Saturday, September 20, 2008

I miss you SOooooooooooooo Much!

Missing you!

Missing you SO much…

It had been so long I have never seen you~
Though I know it is impossible to have this dream comes true
But today, yes, on today itself, finally I saw you…

You look the same, the same as you live in my sweetest memory
You still very much smiling at me
You still have the passion towards your work, burning passion
Though you seem not fit to do all these…

I was looking at you, asking you how are you
And suddenly blood flooded my vision…
Are you still there?
Where are you?

My dear grandpa, I miss you so much!!!
But I can now only see you in my dream – just like today~


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~slow and steady win the race~

~slow and steady win the race~