Monday, September 22, 2008

Balancing between love n friendship


What is this? Freedom that ends with the presence of love?

Am I too fragile to face those freedoms alone? Am I not to be trusted by you? Or the people out there cannot be trusted by you?

I know what you are afraid of. I distinctly know. But my dear, have you ever care for how do I feel? Having love doesn’t mean to end other friendship that sustain online… Others do the same.

And I know you care for me… but trust me, my love is only to you, no other one else. Those are just friendship that I wish to continue… I know that silent killer is luring behind all friendly acquaintance, but, again, trust me, I know who I am meeting with and I promise you, I will take good care of myself whenever I’m out…

I love you more than everything… but please do give me some freedom… and I want you to be happy, I don’t mean to hurt you as well~

Love, loaded love from me to you-dear!

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~slow and steady win the race~

~slow and steady win the race~