Saturday, September 8, 2007

~ tHe MoViE mAkEr fAcToRy~

16/9/2007 (Sunday)

Hey friends, here is the movie maker factory~~~

Well, through the IWB assignment, I’ve learnt a new skill in manipulating a new computer programme—Windows Movie Maker and I would like to share the process in producing a simple video/movie clip to all. Since this is also my baby steps in using the programme, I do wish those who are experienced in using it, would share their skills with me…

Undoubtedly, we can just download video clips from the internet and for sure, the visual aspect will be better than our self-made ones (as they would have such an expertise in producing those attractive flashes and video clips as compared to us, or I mean, me alone). Why do we need to take all the trouble to produce our own then? Well, through my experience in searching for a really suitable video clip that can be incorporated into our lesson through the use of Smartboard, I do find that it is not easy to do so. This is because the video clip that we are looking for should not only meet the lesson objectives; it should pitch at the pupils’ level and promote their learning at the same time. Hence, if you really want to enhance your lesson through video clip, but fail to look up for a suitable one in the net, I would suggest that you prepare your own. And this is the very reason for me to blog down the process in producing the video clip. I do hope with this little help, I would make your teaching life more interesting…

Here you go:

First and foremost, look up for all the images, pictures and even songs or music that can help in producing an interesting and suitable video clip. You can do so by surfing the net and download them into your picture gallery or you can scanned from other sources and save them in a folder in you computer/notebook.

Now, you are ready for the movie/video making process!

Firstly, open up your Windows Movie Maker programme and
import those images or pictures or songs/music
that you want to have in your video clip.
You may even capture images to the Windows Movie Maker.
You can find those icons for importing images/music on
the left hand side of the programme.

After you have imported those pictures/songs,
they will appear on the right blank column,
but you still cannot play the video clip yet.
~ Refer to Diagram 1 below ~
Diagram 1

Then for the second steps, drag the images into the column below.
It will automatically appear in the 'Video' column.
You may drag the images to fit the intended playing time you wish.
~ As shown in Diagram 2 ~

Diagram 2

For the music or songs, do the same as the above as well.
It will appear in the
'Audio/music' column.
You may also, same as the graphics, drag the music length
to the intended playing time-frame you wish.

~ As shown in Diagram 3 ~

Diagram 3

Now you can play the images and songs. However, you can enhance your video clip by adding some effects to it. Just go to the second part on your left and you would find icons for adding video effects.
Click on it and you can play and choose any of the effects. Then
drag them into the pictures or images that you want.

~ As shown in Diagram 4 ~

Diagram 4

You can add different styles of video transitions too!
Just click on the icon for video transitions and choose one of your favourite styles.
Then drag and place the video transition style
in between two images or p

~ As shown in Diagram 5 ~

Diagram 5

Also, you may add title to your video clip.
Just click on "Make titles or credits" on your left hand side and you will
be prompt to choose on where you would like to place the title.
Just click on the selected option and a blank column will appear.
Type in your intended text/wordings.
Then below the column, there are options for you to change
the title animation, as well as the text font and colour.
Just click on the option and choose your intended style.

~ Diagram 6 below shows a rough scence on the process I've described ~

Diagram 6

Now, you have done with your video clip!
Just go to the 3rd column under the option "Finish Movie" on your left
and choose a save mode for your product.
A save wizad will appear (as shown in Diagram 7 below)
and you will be prompt for a simple saving process.

Diagram 7

You can also try playing the movie by using the smaller version of Windows Media Player
that is situated on your right hand side.
You can have full screen view on it as well.

Still don't quite get it? No worries!
There is an option for movie making tips on your left.
Just click into the areas that you would like to learn more
and I'm sure there will be not a single problem in producing
your own video clip by using this programme!

~ Please refer to the Diagram 8 below ~

Diagram 8

Well, if you save your product in such a way as mentioned above,
you may still edit it.
However, if you have finalized your product,
then go the the option on "file", which is situated at
the uppermost left hand corner of the page and click on
"save project"/"save project as...". When this is done,
there is no room for any edition and the video clip is the
final piece of work that you may upload
to any other intended programme
you wish
(e.g. into the Smartnotebook programme).

Well...the process of producing a simple vide clip by using the Windows Movie Maker is just as simple as this... The matter is, do we have the time and the urge to produce it? Trust me, try to produce one, the feeling of success worth more than everything you've spent in producing it. It may not be perfect, but at least, it caters to your pupils' needs since you are the one who have produced it, since you are the one who understand your pupils most.

Also, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Aizam for her brief tutorial in guiding me to complete my first virgin cideo clip... Thanks Aizam!!!

Happy Learning and exploring to all...

~ A Product by Sze Mei ~

ThE eXpEriEnCe, tHe PrOCesS ~ pReCioUs!

9/9/2007 (Sunday)

IWB assignment, IWB assignment, IWB assignment ~

For me, the IWB assignment is definitely not an easy assignment. It requires not only the skill in manipulating the Smartboard as well as using Smartnotebook to design the teaching-learning activities, moreover, the activities designed should suit the target learners, the learning outcomes and also, are suitable for the integration of Smartboard. Surely, there is no point in designing teaching-learning activities that even without the use of this interactive whiteboard, will be able to carry out through the conventional tools or with the old technological tools, such as the overhead projector (OPH). In addition, the teaching-learning activities designed should also help to promote active interactions among the pupils. Thus, bearing those criteria deep in my mind, if I would like to describe my process of completing the assignment to the level in Bloom’s Taxonomy, I would rather say it is of the higher level instead of the beginning level, such as knowledge and comprehension.

Of course, without mastering the basic level in Bloom’s Taxonomy, it sounds impossible for me to move through the higher level. Hence, I personally feel that I would have mastered and understand the content for the activities that I’ve designed for the Year 4 pupils regarding the “Earth and Universe” to certain extend. Moreover, besides the content understanding, I do have a basic knowledge and understanding in manipulating the Smartboard and the functions in Smartnotebook. However, it is not enough for me to design the teaching-learning activities for a targeted lesson without implicating what I’ve known into action. Hence, by transferring what I have known, be the content or the skills, into the design of a set of teaching-learning activities for the Year 4 Science classroom, I think this would be a very good indicator showing my progress into the application level in Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Furthermore, during the process of preparing the activities, the following questions keep resonance in my head:
  • Are the animated, 3-dimensional images better than the static, 2-dimenstional images? Will the animated images distract the pupils’ attention.
  • Are the activities interactive enough to engage the pupils in learning?
  • Do the activities align with the Curriculum Specification?
  • Do I need a video clip? But I fail to download one from the internet, what should I do? Even if I manage, but do they suit my designed activities? If I were to design the video clip, where should I look up for aid?

Well, now, here comes the higher level of thinking abilities that I think I’ve applied during my process of completing this assignment, where in the Bloom’s Taxonomy, they are being described as “analyses”, “synthesizing” and “evaluation”. Undoubtedly, since there are choices and I have to choose among the best, I have to analyze the available options and I need to synthesize between the options and the activities that I’ve planned, and eventually I need to visualize and evaluate the results of my choice before I could finalize my activities and all its components that are involved. Hence, through thorough thinking and choosing, besides evaluating, without me realizing, I’m actually moving upwards in the level of Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Below are some of the choices that I’ve eventually made and the reasons accompanied them:

  • In the process, I’ve spent few days looking up for colourful and attractive images of planets and sun and eventually, I’d decided to use more of the 3-dimensional images for my activities. This is because I feel that the planets in the universe are too far beyond the reach of the Year 4 pupils. They would not have been exposed to all these during their daily lives as compared to the commonly seen animals and fruits. Hence, in my point of view, by providing the pupils with the 3-dimensional images, it can help to enhance their understanding and helps them to memorize those planets better. However, in order to avoid too many animated images which I’m afraid will distract the pupils’ attention; I’ve designed a slide that is without animation so to at least strike a little balance in between.

  • In order to make the activities interactive, instead of asking the pupils to do it individually in front, I’ve designed those activities in such a way where the pupils have to engage in discussion before or after the activities. This will further promote interactive discussions in the class which according to Vygotsky, interactions is a very important element in scaffolding the pupils.

  • In order to ensure that all my activities are inline with the Year 4 Science Curriculum Specification (CS), I’ve made double checked on it. Also, at the same time, I’ve been "stalking" in the MPH bookstore to flip through the related activities book so to ensure my activities are reliable and valid in relation to the targeted CS.

  • I’ve browse through the net for the relevant video clips, however, I fail to download them. What is more, most of the video clips do not suit my activities as there is no integration of questions in the video clip that would stimulate the pupils and ‘tune’ them into the subsequent lesson.
    Just at the moment when I feel like abandoning the idea of using video clip, I’ve accidentally found out that one of my friends, Aizam knows how to use the Windows Movie Maker to produce video clip. Hence, (fated by God I guess) I’d asked for her help in giving me a brief yet comprehending tutorial on it. Again, went through the process of images choosing and evaluating, I’d eventually managed to produce my first virgin video clip that I think is very much relevant to my activities.

Opss… that’s not all for the level of Bloom’s Taxonomy that I’ve gone through, but there is still a final stage of it, which is introduced by Prof. Raja to us—the “Instructing others” level. Herm… in my humble view, I do think I’ve stepped into this stage, though it might be only merely stepping into it. However, at least I’ve managed to design the user’s guide for those who uses my slide to carry out the activities as well as the instructions for those activities. Though I’m not directly instructing, I think I’ve made myself clear on how to use those slides and carry out those activities since my group members have double checked on it an they've found it comprehensible (Note: Me and my group members have gone through the process in double checking each others' work so to reduce as many grammatical mistakes as possible and at the same time, provide suggestions for improvement, if any, to the others).

Still though I do think the process of producing this assignment has brought me through all the stages in the Bloom’s Taxonomy, there are still rooms for exploration and to polish on. I would still learn and work to strive to “upgrade” my mental/thinking ability. Indeed, learning is life long, is endless and is the vital tool to a better thinking skill… I shall bear that in mind…

Anyway, I personally feel that the process of completing this assignment that is accompanied by the burning of the midnight oil should really be documented down so to keep a memory for it… Also, it is a proof to my ability in moving through the levels in Bloom’s Taxonomy… Thanks alot for having this assignment... it is true that mentally, I've grown together with the process in completing this assignment...

To all~ happy documenting~ ^p^

(Note: Here, I would like to credit those who have assisted me along my completion on this assignment! Thanks to all that are involved!)

A ChEcK fOr ThE IWB aSsiGnMeNt

5/9/2007—8/9/2007 (Wednesday—Saturday)

With a head full thinking of the IWB assignment, I step into the lab of MK2 for our week 9 lesson, which is the last week before our presentation on the assignment. Today, since Prof. Raja is involved in a conference; she will be with us a bit late while Ms. Chin introduces us to the “Educational Web Portal” and the related websites for it:

Guess what? I and my friend, Kia Hooi have found out that Ms. Chin is the author for the 'portalbahasamelayu' website! Wow, that’s really great, isn’t it? Erm… when only would I have the chance to do so? Will I? Well, anyway, a dream is a driving force for future achievement I think… Still, I distinctly know that a dream will only come true when there is a solid foundation for it, and this course really prepares me for that!

After which, Prof Raja enters the class. Some comments are given on our blogs. She mentions the content of our blogs in relation to the level of Bloom’s Taxonomy. She is really happy that some of us have reached the highest level of it, which is the stage of “Instructing Others”. (This is really a new information for me as before this, I only know about the other 6 levels in Bloom’s Taxonomy, but not this level—the highest level.) However, she does mention that some are still not really putting effort in producing a higher level of content for their blogs. I wonder in her point of view, which state I’m in. Am I able to instruct? Well, maybe if I’m not, I shall aim for that…

Also, Prof. has gone through some of our work for the assignment and I and my dear friend, Shin Chin are chosen to explain what are our mistakes done for, especially the “learning outcome”. Well, learning through mistakes is the very point here and I shall thank Prof. for giving me this opportunity to explain to my friends about the do’s and don’ts for the “learning outcome”. There is only one phrase that I would like to quote in relation to that opportunity given—“Sharing is caring”! (Though I know perhaps this is a frequently heard phrase, but indeed, it has its value for so).

Now, here are some of the points raised for the do’s and don’ts:

  1. Get the learning outcome/lesson objective right, which means it must be specific, precise, measurable and direct to the point.
  2. Do not use terms that are not measurable such as “understand”.
  3. The activities developed should promote the higher thinking level in Bloom’s Taxonomy.
  4. The Curriculum Specification stated must be closely connected to the lesson objective/learning outcome.
  5. Do not overlook the interactive aspects in designing activities through the integration of the Smartboard.

Well, editing my assignments for the better, based on the suggestions and comments by Prof., is what I have done after that. Also I’ve discussed with some of my friends, Ervanti, Rahah and Nadia for a better way of constructing the learning outcome during the lesson. Furthermore my group members have helped me to figure out a better way in constructing the learning outcome as well.

So… still editing…still modifying…
still through a head-cracking process…

Anyway, since I’ve heard some grumblings on the difficulties in designing the suitable IWB activities from my friends, there are two interesting links that I would like to share with all of you…Please scroll your cursor up and pay a visit to

"The Smartboard Information Corner"

above for those 2 interesting websites. I really hope this will give some ideas and do a little help to those in need …

WeLL, fRiEnDs, GaNbAnDe ~

Monday, September 3, 2007

NoNe oThEr ThAn tHe IWB aSsiGnMeNt--sTiLL iN tHe ProCeSs

29/8/2007 (Wednesday) – 4/9/2007 (Tuesday)

Hooray~ they said the matching past is being canceled! Oh yes, no longer involve in the matching past, no longer being afraid that I will be sunburn, no longer afraid that the new sun block will again, cause me allergy… Anyway, we too, lose out the chance to stand for the Merdeka celebration for our faculty, as well as the chance to win
RM5000. A tragedy? Or a good news? Herm… both I guess. So here comes the usual hour to our technology lesson since we have withdrawn ourself from the Merdeka match past.

Well, lots of inquiries regarding the IWB assignment waited in me to be readily “fired” to whoever is carrying out the lesson. And it happens to be Ms. Chin who is the one… Well, some of the inquiries are as below:
  1. Does each individual in a group need to prepare at least 5 activities for their own topic? Or does he or she need only to come out with few activities to make up the 5 screens?
  2. How about the teaching part? Can we just merely incorporate it or must there be an activity accompanying it?
  3. How about the scientific project and experiment? Can we include it as one of the activities for the Science subject?

Skillfully, Ms. Chin manages to answer our questions by either showing the sample of IWB assignments done by our seniors or through the question-answer session. I shall summarize the requirements as below:

  1. Each individual in a group needs to prepare a different topic for the assignment. Let say a group of five will then have 5 different topics and hence 5 different sets of activities relating to the particular topics chosen.
  2. Each individual in a group then needs to prepare at least 5 screens/slides based on the individual topic chosen. The 5 slides including the activities as well as the Curriculum Specification which spells out the topic, the target audience, the pupils’ prior knowledge, the objectives, the guidelines as well as a rational to be included. Hence, the 5 screens/slides required are NOT indicating that 5 different types of activities are required.
  3. There should be an introduction to the activities and here, some teaching parts can be incorporated.
  4. Some scientific projects or experiments can be included as one of the activities as what our seniors have done.
  5. Also, we need to present our group work on the 12th of September before the submission of our group assignments. Comments will be given during our presentation. We are to do the necessary corrections based on the comments and this will further help in improving our assignment before the submission.

Doubts are clear now. Well, it is true that without trying to complete and engaged oneself in doing the assignment, one would not know what are the problems faced and would not know what to ask or seek for clarification. It is unless when there is involvement and engagement, then here comes tons and tons of inquiries, just as what I have experienced. However again, doubts are clear now.

Here, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms. Chin for helping my and giving me guidance in completing my assignment during this particular lesson.

Since out of 5 in my group, me and Alison are to do the activities on Science topics, while Shin Chin and Kia Hooi, English activities and Yun Mun, Mathematics activities, I have chosen the topic on “Earth and Universe” for the Year 4 pupils.

Before entering this particular lesson, I had completed four activities and I tried to edit it during this lesson. During my head-cracking process of modifying my existing activities to better attract the pupils, Ms. Ng’s help reaches my hand. She actually complemented my activities and screens and she does give some suggestions of the way to provide immediate feedback. Also she has guided me to prepare an introductory activity which I eventually develop a short video session for it. Well, haha, it is true on what Maslow has mentioned—one needs to be motivated. Ms. Ng’s complement on my activities has given me a greater motivational force to complete this assignment.

Again, thanks to Ms. Ng.

Also, other than Ms. Ng, my group members have provided me with some useful information in order to help me to complete the activities, such as giving suggestions for my choice of activities. Thanks to them as well.

Another person whom I would like to show my appreciation to is Cheng Kwang, who has actually done me a favour by trying to complete the exercises developed. This really helps me a lot since it is only after he had tried out the activities that I notice, oh gosh! There are so many loopholes in them and this has given me a golden opportunity to further improve on my activities.

Though aids are being showered to me during my process in producing those activities, I do face some problems in completing them. Firstly, it is not easy for me to choose colours that are contradicting to each other as to bring out the answers and the immediate feedback provided. However, after trying few times by using different colours for the fonts and background, at least, I manage to come out with a clearer view as to bring out those wordings.

Secondly, for one of my activities developed, there is a lack of space for me to beautifully organize the planets in a straight line as to indicate the sequence of them in the solar system. Hence, out of choice, I have the put them packed together and to number them so to indicate their sequence.

Thirdly, it is not that easy to get real-like and attractive images. Since it is more attractive by having animated pictures, I’d spent lots of my time browsing through the net to search for animated planets. Luckily, my hard work is being paid off when I eventually manage to get all the nine, real-like animated planets successfully.

Lastly, in order to prepare an introductory activity as suggested by Ms. Ng, I’d tried to get video regarding the nine planets from the net. Though I managed to get them, but I fail to download them. I’d tried for few days and eventually, I give up looking for one and instead I try to produce one. This is my virgin product in producing a short video clip by using the Windows Movie Maker. Thanks to Aizam who taught me the basic skills needed in using the movie maker programme. Eventually, I manage to create one, though it is not really professional and attractive, but at least it will not be too lousy to be used in the Year 4 Science Classroom, I guess (and hopefully so…).

Well, finally I have completed all my activities for the chosen Science topic. Now is time for me to work on the written part on the guidelines, the Lesson Planning part as well as the rationale.

So, still, I’m working hard, thinking hard, browsing hard, typing hard, squeezing my heard hard and ‘theorizing’ hard to justify and give a really rational rationale to my piece of work. Well, well, well, “sharing is caring”. I shall then share, and help; also being shared and helped~

Have a nice day to all who are working hard to complete this assignment.

Jia You o!!!

~slow and steady win the race~

~slow and steady win the race~