Sunday, November 4, 2007

The non academic stuff -- SuRpRisE ~ A nEw DiScOvErY !

3/11/2007 (Saturday)

A sunny day.

Happily, I marched through my way to a nearby florist shop at about 12 noon, after stepping out from the chinese restaurant near the wet market, where I had satisfied my appetite after an hour, hungry journey from KL to Seremban.

To my surprise, I encountered a friendly, familiar face. Stunned, I stopped and cleared my vision to make sure that I'm correct... Oh yes, guess what? Haha, I met Ms. Chin in Seremban!

I did not think that she noticed me at first until I approached her and greeted her...A short chat burst between two of us and from that, I know that she is from Seremban. Hey, Jeremy, have you ever met Ms. Chin before since both of you are from the same hometown? Hehe...

Well, a short encouter yet a long happy day. It was really nice to meet you there, Ms. Chin...

~~ Just sometimes, expect the unexpected *p* ~~

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~slow and steady win the race~

~slow and steady win the race~